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AVV Extreme for Communication Rooms

As the computational power of servers increases, so does the heat load associated with them. Air conditioning systems that were the norm for data centers of the recent past can now no longer handle the increased load. As new data centers come on-line or existing data centers are upgraded, improved air conditioning methods are now mandatory.

To answer these needs, Tadiran has developed the AVV Extreme units which meet the high demands of accurate and consistent temperature of communication rooms. The units can operate at very low ambient temperatures with a free cooling kit that helps reducing energy use . Additional features of the AVV include electro-mechanical control to withstand electro-magnetic interruptions, increased airflow for rapid and effective air turbulence, automatic control of outdoor fan speed and advanced air filters.

Tadiran has always focused on creating smart, environmentally sound, modern air conditioners that coordinate smoothly with any type of home or office décor. The new energy-saving air conditioners deliver extremely competitive cost of ownership. They are equipped with distinguishing features along with advanced technology and compact styling to ensure world class quality and cooling to our consumers.